INIO is the result of 10 years of trial and error, many rabbit trails, and steep learning curves. The feedback we have received from users is exciting, for INIO impacts the quality of life when having a difficult time understanding TV.  Using INIO lets them remove hearing aids and understand everything on TV.  This is just one of the benefits of INIO, because it delivers a high end audio experience for all sources of content, TV, music, gaming, etc.  The sound stage they deliver raises to new heights the enjoyable factor of listening to unexpected immersion!! 

Sound Within Reach

Enjoy this short testimonial from one of our first INIO customers.  Jon was able to connect with his phone through Bluetooth and heard his favorite opera singer, which he stated he had not been able to enjoy for several years.  Some things don’t have a price.

What is INIO?

The name comes from the first two and last two letters of “intimate audio”.

The INIO system is designed to provide a personal experience that will improve the quality of life for anyone that has diminished hearing issues.  Our customers who require hearing aids have found that they do not need them to understand TV anymore.

This is due to the internal patented design of our ARIA system.  When there is a situation where part of a family needs to place the TV volume on 98 to begin to understand what is being said, and the other part(s) of the family use hearing protection, INIO is the solution!